
Automated Serviceability Assessment and Decisioning

Boost accuracy, increase automation for more straight-through processing, and confidently close more deals with Xapii's powerful, AI-driven Serviceability engine.

Xapii Automated Serviceability Engine
  • Tiimely API icon

    API-first, headless serviceability experience

    Access a range of real-time policy-configured serviceability metrics across applications and deals via Xapii’s API. Xapii’s user interface gives you real-time results, and are updated as customer and assessor actions are performed.

  • Tiimely no more spreadsheets

    No more spreadsheets

    Configure, version and scale your lending automation with Xapii’s fully configurable serviceability engine. Remove operational bottlenecks by managing your credit policy in a secure, auditable environment.

  • Tiimely deep dive into financials

    Deep dive into financials

    Combine key metrics for a complete view of serviceability with Xapii’s detailed breakdown of financial inputs. Access advanced insights with combined monthly outputs and thorough analysis, including 14 different income types. Includes declared, detected, and validated income and expense data.

Augment, not replace

Fully configurable serviceability automation

For speed and accuracy

Seamlessly integrate Xapii platform with your existing systems.
Support scalability as your business grows and maintain regulatory compliance with explainable AI for traceable decisions. Automate the validation of customer financial position and let Xapii help you reduce operational costs and improve customer experiences.

Xapii Serviceability Metrics

Built for lenders, by lenders

Xapii platform allows lenders to configure any policy or policy variation, removing the overhead and risk of maintaining spreadsheets with calculation logic, income shading, tax treatments and HEM lookups.


Meaningful metrics, for superior insights and fast decisions

Xapii serviceability metrics include:

  1. Net monthly surplus
  2. Net surplus ratio
  3. Debt to income ratio
  4. Debt servicing ratio
  5. Monthly repayment to income ratio
  6. Loan to income ratio
Xapii Serviceability metrics
Xapii best fit serviceability configuration


Best fit serviceability configuration out-of-the-box

Xapii’s out-of-the-box configuration allows you to deploy Xapii solutions quickly so you (and your customers) can realise the benefits, sooner.

Our managed integrations support your team to focus on more meaningful interactions, while Xapii automatically manages changes to tax rates and expense benchmarks such as Household Expenditure Measure (HEM).


Your policy, fully configured for automation

Configure multiple credit policies tailored to your business needs.

Options include:

  • Income type shading with conditional attributes (e.g., postcode, property type for rental income)
  • Calculation logic for investment expenses and tax (pre vs. post haircut)
  • Expense logic for declared, detected, and HEM values
  • Managed tax rates (AU, NZ)
  • Versioning and scheduling

Xapii Configurability


Dynamic financial cascade, so you only use data you need

Use Xapii's dynamic financial cascade feature to determine the best possible serviceability position.

Xapii’s dynamic financial cascade determines the best possible serviceability position by prioritising four information sources, calculating serviceability based on the most trusted available source:

  1. Manually validated - highest priority, verified by a lender or credit assessor
  2. Auto-validated - system-approved under Credit Policy rules
  3. Detected actuals - system-detected (e.g., Open Banking) but not Credit Policy compliant
  4. Customer-declared - used if no other data is available
Xapii Dynamic Financial Cascade

Proven tech

Built light, to do the heavy lifting

Explore Xapii's capabilities

Our solutions

Take your lending to the next level with Automated Serviceability Assessment and Decisioning

Automated Serviceability Assessment and Decisioning is available in Xapii Convert and Xapii Decide. Explore our solutions below.

Find out how Tiimely can help you automate and scale

Contact our experienced Commercial team for a demo today